Folge | Song | mp3 | Songtext |
601 | Butters & Freaks - The True Freaks Label (Das Krüppel-Zeichen) | | |
602 | His Name is Jared (Man nennt ihn Jared) | | |
602 | Mr Garrison - His Name is Garrison (Man nennt ihn Garrison) | | |
602 | Kyle, Stan, Cartman - His Name is Butters (Man nennt ihn Butters) | | |
602 | Christine Jonez - Her Name is Jonez (Ich bin Jonez) | | |
602 | Sandwiches of Philadelphia (Philadelphia Frischkäse) | | |
603 | Tad - Stan Darsh (Stan Arsch) | | |
603 | Montage (Training) | | |
604 | Fightin' round the World 1 (Kämpfen bis zum Ziel! 1) | | |
604 | R. Crowe - Fightin' round the World 2 (Kämpfen bis zum Ziel! 2) | | |
606 | Towelie - Stairway to Heaven | | - |
607 | Cartman - Sea People and me (Seemenschen und ich) | | |
608 | The catholic Boat (Das katholische Schiff) | | |
609 | Island Song (Inselsong) | | |
612 | Alan Jackson - Where were you? (Wo warst du?) | | |
614 | Lemmiwinks 1 | | |
614 | Lemmiwinks 2 | | |
614 | Lemmiwinks 3 | | |
614 | Lemmiwinks 4 | | |
615 | Alien - Biggest Douche of the Universe (Kotzkrücke) | | |
616 | My Future Self'n me (Mein Zukunftsbild und ich) | | |
617 | Jimmy - The 12 Days of Christmas (Weihnachtslieder) | | |
617 | Mr Hankey & Cartman - Poo Choo Train (Tschu-Tschu-Zug) | | |
617 | Cartman - Riding on Santa's Sleigh (Der Weihnachsschlitten) | | |